is the main configuration file for a WebMO installation. Most of the settings within are controlled through the Administration Managers.
Some entries in would be changed only in exceptional circumstances or from a terminal session. These include:
- cgiBase - directory for WebMO cgi scripts
- host - hostname (not used by deafult)
- htmlBase - directory for WebMO html pages
- license - WebMO license number
- uniqueId - Unique 4 digit number for WebMO instance (to distinguish multiple instances of WebMO on the same server)
- url_cgiBase - URL for WebMO cgi scripts
- url_htmlBase - URL for WebMO user files
- userBase - directory for WebMO user files
- version - WebMO version number
- webserver - webserver location (default "autodetect")
- webserverProtocol - http or https (default "autodetect")
Finally, there are many entries within that specify the location of various system commands, e.g., cpat, cp, curl, kill, mkdir, perl, ps, rm, ssh, unzip, wget, zip, etc.
The lopcations of can be found by logging in as the WebMO adminitrsator and clicking on Version Manager. Location
Alternatively, from a terminal session, one can search for the file:
$ find /home/webmo -name
Other Configuration Files
Other WebMO configuration files include:
- {engine}.int - configuration files for enabled {engine} ({Engine} Manager)
- {engine}.int.disabled - configuration files for disabled {engine}
- {engine}.tmpl - calculation type files for enabled {engine} (Template Manager)
- fragments.txt - fragment library (Fragment Manager)
- pbs.conf - configuration for pbs queues (batch Queue Manager)
- authen.conf - configuration file for external authentication services (manually edit)
Note that there are separate copies of the {engine}.* int files for each local, remote, or batch queue server. These are found in:
{cgiBase}/interfaces - Local server
{cgiBase}/servers - Remote servers
{cgiBase}/queues - External batch queue servers